Foundation Stage
Spring Term 1 2025
Welcome back! What a fantastic start to the new year! The children have settled back into school life quickly after such a long break. An outline of what we are learning in the first half of the Spring term can be found here and our homework grid here.
Our topic in Spring 1 is ‘SPACE’. We will be linking a lot of our work to stories about space such as ‘Meet the planets’, ‘The way back home, ‘Whatever Next!’, ‘Toys in space’ and ‘Neil Armstrong – Little people, big dreams’ We will be retelling and acting out stories, writing lists, drawing story maps and recalling the beginning, middle and end of a story.
In Maths, we have been recognising numbers to 10, ordering numbers and counting objects reliably. We are moving onto measures, with length, weight and capacity.
In Art and Design, we are going to be making rockets linked to the story ‘Whatever Next!’ and we are making astronaut puppets and space, moon and planet pictures.
In Physical Development we will be making rockets, dens and houses outside using the large apparatus, construction and natural materials.
Our PE day in the hall is on Thursday and we will be doing COMPLETE PE.
Looking forward for a busy but exciting half term!
The Foundation Stage Team
Autumn Term 2 2024
We hope you have all had a good half term break. We are very much looking forward to another exciting half term with the children.
This half term our topic is 'Festivals and Celebrations' and an outline of what we are learning in the second half of the Autumn term can be found here.
We will be talking about different celebrations and festivals such as bonfire night, Diwali, Remembrance Day and Christmas.
In Maths we will be following the White Rose Maths in Foundation Stage. We will be representing and comparing numbers to 3 and discussing more and less. We will also be learning positional language and times of the day.
In Literacy we will continue practising writing our names and CVC words using the sounds we have learnt in phonics. The children will be writing Diwali cards, Christmas cards and letters to Father Christmas. We will be reading Owl Babies, Stickman and The Jolly Christmas Postman.
In Art this half term we will be painting, printing and collaging. We will be making poppies, fireworks, Rangoli patterns, Winter trees, snowmen, Christmas cards, tree decorations and calendars.
In class we will be discussing friendship, taking turns and how we can be kind to one another. We are also going to be talking about respecting other cultures.
In PSED the children will be learning about drug education, how and why we use medicines and how we keep ourselves safe.
Autumn Term 1 2024
Welcome to William Levick!
We have enjoyed meeting and getting to know all the new children and they have all settled brilliantly. We are very much looking forward to an exciting term with the children.
Our first topic is 'All About Me'.
An outline of what we are learning in the first half of the Autumn term can be found here.
We will be talking about our families and people who are special to us. We will also be talking about our feelings, our likes and dislikes. In the first few weeks we will practising writing our names, drawing and labelling.
In maths, we will be utilising White Rose Maths in Foundation Stage. We will be matching, sorting and comparing amounts. We will be comparing size and capacities and exploring patterns.
In Literacy, we will be drawing and labelling our family, writing lists and starting our phonics sessions, listening and copying different sounds.
In PSED, we will be looking at 'Being me' and ‘Being healthy’. We will be talking about belonging, self-awareness and managing our feelings. We are also exploring the school values through assemblies.
This half term we will be discussing Autumn and harvest time and linking these to activities in Art and Design.
Summer Term 2 2024
Our new half term topic is all about Fairy tales!
An outline of what we are learning in the second half of the Summer term can be found here. and a copy of our Summer 2 homework grid can be found here.
We will be linking a lot of our work to traditional tales and reading many well known stories, such as the 3 little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and 3 Billy Goats Gruff. We will be learning about characters and story settings and our role play area has been turned into a theatre!
In Maths, we will be looking at numerical patterns. The children will be learning about doubling, sharing and grouping numbers. We will also be learning about odd and even numbers and spatial reasoning.
In Understanding the World, we will be learning about Summer, looking at similarities and differences between where we live and a seaside town. We will be planting broad beans to watch them grow, linked to the story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’.
In Art and Design this half term, we will be creating jellyfish art, under the sea pictures and a beach in a tray. We will be making Father's Day cards. We will also be making our own puppets, castles and crowns. The children will also be doing some art work linked to Jack and the beanstalk.
Our PE day in the hall is on Thursday and we will be doing Complete PE. We will also be practising for Sports day and learning our class dance to perform during sports week.
In PSED, our topics are ‘Growing up’ and ‘Bullying matters’.
We are all excited for this fun half term of learning!
The Foundation Stage Team
Summer Term 1 2024
ROOOOAAAARRR!!! Our new half term topic is all about dinosaurs!
An outline of what we are learning in the first half of the Spring term can be found here. Our homework grid for this half term can be found here.
We will be linking a lot of our work to stories about dinosaurs and also finding out information about dinosaurs from non-fiction books. We will be learning all about the time when dinosaurs lived on Earth and our role play area will be turned into a dino cave!
In Maths, we will be looking at numbers beyond 10, specifically learning about teen numbers. We will also be exploring counting patterns and addition and subtraction.
In Understanding the World, we will be learning facts about dinosaurs, the names of some dinosaurs, their habitat and what they like to eat. We will be making a dinosaur swamp in the water tray and also learning about floating and sinking.
In Art and Design this half term, we will be using the primary colours to do some colour mixing. The children will also be using air drying clay to make dinosaurs and have a go at making paper plate dinosaurs and masks. In Music we will be learning how to sing our class song, ‘The prehistoric animal brigade’.
Our PE day in the hall is on Thursday and we will be learning ball skills using our hands and feet.
In PSED, our topics are ‘Changes’ and ‘Being Responsible’.
We are all excited for this fun half term of learning!
Spring Term 2 2024
Welcome back! Hopefully the children have had a well-deserved break! It is looking a little more like Spring outside now and we are looking forward to this half term of new learning. An outline of what we are learning in the second half of the Spring term can be found here.
Our topic in Spring 2 is ‘Farms’. We will be linking a lot of our work to stories about bears such as ‘Little Red Hen’, What the Ladybird Heard’ and ‘Farmer Duck’.
We will be retelling and acting out stories, writing lists, drawing story maps and recalling the beginning, middle and end of a story.
In Maths, we will be representing 9 and 10 in different ways. We will be naming 3D shapes and talking about repeated patterns.
In Understanding The World, we will be making and tasting bread. We will be finding out what animal babies are called and where food comes from.
In Art and Design, we will be making farm animals using cardboard tubes and collage materials. The children will also be making cards for Mother’s Day and Easter.
Our PE day in the hall is on Thursday and we will be doing REAL Dance.
In PSED, our topics are ‘Being Safe’ and ‘Relationships’. We will be having a visit from the police to talk to the children about road safety.
Looking forward to another busy, but exciting half term!