Year 6
Spring Term 2025
The children in Year 6 are continuing to work hard in all areas of the curriculum. An outline of the learning which will take place in the spring term can be found here. Our Year 6 homework grid for Spring 1 can be found here.
The main topic this term is World War II. Children focus on the effects of war on children and adults in England, looking at evacuees, the Blitz/ air raids, rationing, propaganda campaigns and the roles of men and women. This will also link to music where we will sing songs from this time period and art where children will use the work of Henry Moore to recreate their own World War II picture using charcoal and pastels. They will also create their own propaganda posters.
This term in English we are reading the book ‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman. We will be using the film ‘Francis’ as a stimulus for writing both a narrative and a newspaper report. After half term our writing will link to our history topic, where we will be writing diaries, letters and poems linked to World War II.
In maths, the children will be introduced to ratio, including linking to fractions and solving calculations. We will move onto algebra, where children will look at forming expressions before solving equations. Then we will learn how to calculate using decimals and percentages. Finally we will move onto shape, area, perimeter, volume and statistics.
The first unit in science is ‘Electricity’ where children will learn to draw circuit diagrams and compare the variations in different circuits. The second science unit is ‘Heart and Blood’ where children will find out what blood consists of and how the circulation system works.
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome back everyone! The children have returned raring to go and have shown super enthusiasm when learning. They also have great determination to succeed in their final year at Levick! We have lots of fun learning to do this year in preparation for the end of year exams and in preparation for secondary school. We intend to work hard but have lots of fun along the way.
An outline of what we are learning in the autumn term can be found here. A copy of the homework grid can be found here.
The topic this term is history and geography based. We will study Dronfield and the local area. We will use maps, photos and field trips to look at the different types of land-use and how it has changed over the years. We will also carry out a variety of surveys to investigate who lives in Dronfield, where people work and how they travel.
In English, we are reading the book Malamander by Thomas Taylor – a fantastic children’s thriller based around a seaside town – full of mystery and excitement. This book will form the basis for our narrative writing this term. The children will also be reading and writing a variety of persuasive texts e.g. letters, arguments and advertisements and this writing will link closely to history and geography.
In maths, we will understand and use numbers up to 10,000,000. This will include using these larger numbers to calculate using the four rules of number (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing). Linked with multiplication, the children will learn about the area and volume of shapes including square and cube numbers. They will also be learning about factors and prime numbers as well as learning about BIDMAS (the order of operations)
The first unit in science is ‘Classification’ where children will learn about comparing and sorting living things into groups, as well as creating their own branching keys. The second unit is ‘Evolution’ where children will look at the similarities and differences in offspring and how changes in living things have been made on Earth over a long period of time.
In art, children will create a piece of artwork inspired by the Sheffield artist Pete McKee. After half term, in DT, children will be evaluating, designing then creating their own pencil case - putting their sewing skills again to the test!
Children are also excited about their upcoming residential to Willersley Castle, where they will experience all types of outdoor adventure activities, such as zip-lining, rifle shooting and grass sledging.
What with residentials, discos, secondary school open evenings, and all the Christmas events towards the end of term – the children certainly have plenty to look forward to!
Summer Term 2024
Year 6 are really looking forward to their final term at William Levick.
Our final topic of Year 6 will be Ancient Greece. Children will find out when the ancient Greece period was, where is Greece and how did it affect the Greeks, what impacted on the lives of the ancient Greeks and what is their impact on the modern world?
In English, we are reading the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will also look at explanation texts before writing our own explanation based on our science topic – how we see things. We will also be writing a narrative based on the short film Alma.
In maths, we are revising key concepts before SATs assessments. After SATs, children will revisit different topics, such as ratio and algebra. Finally, children will be putting their maths skills to use by problem solving and taking part in transition tasks.
In science, we look at our final Year 6 topic 'Light' looking at how light travels and how we see things. In art, children will use clay to create a pot inspired by Ancient Greek pottery. Before half term, children will be creating their own fairground carousel and after half term we will be evaluating, designing then creating a pizza. In computing we will be using the program Tinkercad to create and manipulate 3D images.
In PSHE the topics will be ‘Changes’, which will help prepare children for the massive change of leaving primary school and starting secondary school and ‘Growing up’ which links nicely with our RSE week at the end of June. In PE, children will develop their cricket skills in preparation for a cricket festival. We also have other exciting sports events taking place this term, such as a dance workshop and sports day preparation. A very busy term ahead!