At William Levick Primary School, we believe that the wearing of a school uniform enables children to identify with their school; gives a sense of belonging; is practical and smart; reinforces a positive work ethos and reduces expenditure for parents and carers.
Our policy is written with the aims that:
- All children wear the correct uniform to school;
- Children feel proud to belong to the school;
- Parents and Carers share the expectations of the school;
- Consideration and understanding is given to the cost of the expected uniform items.
Uniform Details.
- Sweatshirts / fleece / cardigans: red (school logo desirable but not essential) or Leaver's Hoodie (for children in Y6);
- Skirts (of appropriate length) / trousers / leggings: grey or black;
- Smart shorts in warmer weather: grey or black;
- Polo shirts: white or red (logo desirable but not essential):
- Dresses: red gingham;
- Socks: dark or white;
- Tights: grey, black or red;
- Shoes: plain black (no colour or logo) - no sandals or heels. Your child should wear shoes which he or she can manage to do up independently.
- A coat in wet or cold weather;
- A hat in summer to keep safe from the sun.
Items of school uniform displaying the school's logo can be purchased directly from Logo Leisurewear. Please download a uniform order form here or call into the office to collect a paper copy or log onto e:sales@logoleisurewear.com and order online. Ski & Sport in Dronfield also have our uniform for sale.
Please ensure that each item of clothing is clearly marked with the child's name- this really does help relocate any missing items with their owner!
PE Uniform Details
- T-shirt in House colour;
- Shorts / tracksuit bottoms for outside PE in inclement weather: plain black;
- Trainers - any colour;
- Hoodies / sweatshirt: plain black (no large logs or motifs) or school sweater / fleece / cardigans: red or Leaver's Hoodie (for children in Y6)
Please note - children at William Levick come to school wearing their kits on P.E. days to enable them to spend more time engaged in the activities.
Swimming Kit Details
Swimwear (either a one-piece swimming costume or swimming trunks which do not come below the knee) must be suitable for the purpose and preferably of a dark colour to enable the swimmer to be seen clearly underwater. Swimming lessons are provided in Year 4 and/or 5.
Jewellery, make-up and nail varnish
For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are earring studs in pierced ears, a simple watch (no smart watches that connect to the internet or can make / receive calls) and small objects of religious significance.
If children have pierced ears, these need to be removed before PE lessons, or if they cannot be removed, to cover them with a plaster or micropore tape brought from home. If your child goes swimming, earrings need to be removed or children need to wear a swimming hat that fits over the ears. School staff are prohibited from removing or replacing earrings. School will accept no responsibility for accidents caused by the wearing of jewellery or if jewellery is misplaced or lost.
Parents and carers are reminded that if they should wish for their child to have their ears pierced, then it is best to take place at the beginning of the 6 weeks holiday in order that they can then be removed for PE at the beginning of the Autumn term.
Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school unless for an out of school hours function, for example a school disco.