William Levick Primary School

William Levick
Primary School

Caring, learning, succeeding together

Pupil Premium

At William Levick Primary School, all our staff strive to develop enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity so that our children become highly motivated, life- long learners and achieve high standards in all areas of their learning. We aim to support children to develop a robust self- esteem where they respect themselves and others and the environment in which they live and are resilient if they do not get things right first time. 

We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality from: 

  • A broad and challenging curriculum which offers an enriching program of extra-curricular events and visits. 
  • The development of a stimulating learning environment which has a varied, rich and up-to date range of learning resources. 
  • A range of innovative teaching styles which encourages an investigative approach to learning. 
  • An ethos of support, challenge and encouragement from all, to succeed. 
  • A learning partnership between home, school and the community which is highly developed and mutually supportive. 

Pupil premium is additional money given to schools for each child who qualifies for free school meals. It’s one of the reasons that we want everyone who is entitled to free school meals to apply. We prioritise the use of pupil premium to ensure that it has the biggest impact on the life chances and education of our children. We use the funding to: 

  • Focus on every child becoming a reader in the Early Years and Year 1. 
  • Provide support for educational visits throughout the year. 
  • Target intervention in Maths and English within classes. 
  • Provide pastoral support for children and families. 
  • Ensure attendance is a high priority. 
  • Support intervention & customised learning for children so they feel confident to achieve. 
  • Boost the confidence of all learners so they can achieve. 

Overcoming barriers is at the heart of our pupil premium use and we understand that needs and costs will differ depending on the barriers being addressed. Taking this into account, we do not allocate personal budgets, the school identify the barrier to be addressed and the interventions required. This could mean interventions are conducted in small groups, large groups, the whole school or as individuals, and allocate a budget accordingly. This enables us to implement a combination of short, medium and long term interventions and align pupil premium with wider school improvements and pupils’ readiness to learn. 

To find out if you qualify for free school meals, please use this link. You will need to supply your name, address and National Insurance Number, and school will be notified on your behalf. You can also select if you would like to receive an email confirmation.

For further details, please see our Pupil Premium Strategy Strategy.