William Levick Primary School

William Levick
Primary School

Caring, learning, succeeding together

Our Aims and Values

At William Levick we aim...

  • To provide a welcoming, happy, safe and stimulating environment for all.
  • To have open and effective communication to promote positive working partnerships with parents and carers to best support children in their learning.
  • To provide relevant and engaging learning opportunities which develop and embed key skills through a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • To encourage children to take responsibility for their learning by providing opportunities for independent thinking, decision making, collaborative working and appropriate risk taking.
  • For each child to have high aspirations and positive attitudes toward themselves, others and their learning in order to achieve personal success.
  • To equip all children with the knowledge, understanding and skills to become respectful and caring citizens contributing positively to the local, national and global community.

Our school holds a unique and important place in the community. We recognise that we cannot achieve our aims in isolation and therefore value the involvement of parents, carers, extended families and all the members of the community. It is only through partnership that we can give our children the quality of education that they deserve.

Our Vision for our school is...

We want a school which encourages pupils to have a love of life, an understanding of people and a desire for learning. A school where the well-being of children is at the heart of learning. It will be fully inclusive and a school which focuses on raising the attainment and achievement of all its pupils.

William Levick Primary School will promote high achievement and learning for life by working with children to:

  1. Develop enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity so that they become highly motivated, life- long learners and achieve high standards in all areas of their learning. Learners should be able to work independently as well as collaboratively.
  2. Enable them to become flexible and adaptable for life in Modern Britain and the world. Learners should seek to extend themselves spiritually, morally, socially and culturally and be able to learn from their mistakes.
  3. Develop a robust self esteem – where they respect themselves and others and the environment in which they live and are resilient if they do not get things right first time.

We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality from:

  1. A broad and challenging curriculum which offers an enriching program of extra-curricular events and visits.
  2. The development of a stimulating learning environment which has a varied, rich and up-to date range of learning resources.
  3. A range of innovative teaching styles which encourages an investigative approach to learning.
  4. An ethos of support, challenge and encouragement from all, to succeed.
  5. A learning partnership between home, school and the community which is highly developed and mutually supportive.

We demonstrate our commitment to working as a learning community by:

  1. Striving for continuous improvements towards challenging but attainable targets.
  2. Working collaboratively towards common shared goals.
  3. Supporting and developing all individuals within the school.
  4. Continually evaluating our current practice alongside national/local agenda to develop our own school vision.
  5. Promoting and understanding our commitment to the changing global world.